You may mark an active, snoozed, or archived prayer as answered. This moves the prayer into answered status. If you mark a prayer as answered and then change your mind, you can unmark it as answered.
Prayers in answered status appear in the prayer list with a checkmark icon:

Be Still treats all answered prayers as a type of archived prayers. As a result, operations that you can perform on archived prayers are also valid on answered prayers:
1. Prayers marked as answered appear whenever the prayer list filter is set to All, Answered, or Archived.
2. Unmarking a prayer as answered always moves the prayer into the archived state, even if the prayer had never been in archived status before.
3. You may unarchive an answered prayer directly, which restores the prayer to active status.
Prayers marked as answered cannot be edited, shared, scheduled for a prayer reminder, or snoozed. If you set a reminder on an active prayer and then mark it as answered, the reminder will be deleted.
You can mark and unmark a prayer as answered using either of two methods:
To mark or unmark a prayer as answered
(Method 1)
1. From a prayer list, swipe left on the prayer you wish to mark as answered. This exposes three shortcut icons:

2. Tap Answered to mark the prayer as answered (or Unmark if the prayer is already marked as answered).
Alternatively, you may use the prayer options page:
To mark or unmark a prayer as answered
(Method 2)
1. Find the prayer you wish to mark as answered and open its prayer options page.
2. Tap the Mark as Answered button (or Unmark as Answered if the prayer is already marked answered):

Unmarking a prayer as answered moves it to archived status. If you wish to unmark a prayer as answered and restore it to active status, you can tap Unarchive directly:

Note: If you mark as answered a group prayer that other Be Still users have followed, those users will receive an alert stating that the prayer has been marked as answered. The prayer will then disappear as a followed prayer from the My Prayers lists of all those users.