The Settings page contains a tab named Groups on which you can set preferences for notifications and alerts.
When important events happen—such as requests to join your group or updates to prayers you are following—Be Still sends you notifications and alerts. Notifications are sent directly to your device and will appear immediately, even if you are not using Be Still. Alerts, however, appear in the Be Still app itself. You must be actively using Be Still to become aware of any new alerts, and you must tap the red bell icon within Be Still to view them.
You can set preferences to turn off notifications and alerts that you don’t wish to see. Note that some alerts, such as a prayer flagged as inappropriate and join requests, cannot be turned off.
These preferences are all set on the Group Settings page.
To open the Group Settings page:
1. You can reach this page in either of two ways:
(a) Tap the More button at the bottom of the page:
and then tap Settings:
(b) Alternatively, from the Groups page, select any group—it doesn’t matter which one—and tap the three-dot icon on the right side:
Be Still opens a page of buttons. Find the Manage Settings button and tap it:
This page will look different depending on whether you are the admin or a member of the group, but it always contains a Manage Settings button.
2. Be Still opens the Settings page. Make sure the Groups tab is selected at the top:
The white tab bar at the top of this page scrolls horizontally. If you don’t see the Groups tab, then swipe left on the tab bar.
You can set three preferences on this page: group notifications, join policy, and prayer alerts.
To turn group notifications on or off:
This setting applies to all groups of which you are an admin. If you are not the admin of any group, then this switch has no effect.
1. In the Preferences section at the top of the Group Settings page, find this switch:
2. Turn this switch off if you do not wish to receive notifications about join requests or prayers flagged as inappropriate. You will continue to receive red-bell alerts for these events within Be Still, however.
3. Turn this switch on if you do wish to receive these notifications in addition to the red-bell alerts for these events.
Note: This switch applies only to group-related events. You also receive notifications for prayer reminders and prayer time reminders, but that is set on the General tab of the Settings page.
To set the join policy for new members:
This setting appears in each group of which you are an admin. You can set different join policies for different groups.
1. The Group Settings tab contains a list of all the groups of which you are an admin or a member, and it clearly marks your role as admin or member.
If you are the admin of a group, then that group will display a Require admin approval to join group switch:
If you do not see this switch, then you are not the admin of this group and you cannot change this setting.
2. Turn this switch off if new members of this group require no approval from you to join the group. New members will see a Join button, and when they tap it they are immediately added as members.
3. Turn this switch on if you wish to approve all new members. New members will see a Request button, and you must explicitly approve their request to join your group. That join request will always appear as a red-bell alert within Be Still, and it will also appear as a notification out of Be Still if you have turned group notifications on as explained in the previous section.
To set alerts for prayer events:
These two switches appears in each group, and they appear for admins and members of the group. They allow you to turn off the red-bell alerts for two very common events: a new prayer in this group, or an update to a prayer in this group.
1. On the Group Settings page, find these two switches in any group section:
2. Turn either or both switches off if you do not wish to receive alerts when new prayers are added to this group or existing prayers are updated.
3. Turn either or both switches on if you do wish to receive alerts for these events.
These switches are most useful for Be Still users who might receive large numbers of unwanted alerts from many groups.
Note: Only these two types of alerts may be turned off. All other alerts, such as join requests, are always sent.