If you are not the member or admin of any groups, Be Still automatically adds all your new prayers into your My Prayers list. You merely enter the text of the new prayer and tap Save:

However, this process changes slightly as soon as you become the admin or a member of a group. From that point on, you must tell Be Still whether a new prayer should be added to your My Prayers list or to a group that you specify.
When you add a new prayer, Be Still displays a dropdown menu that lists all the groups to which you belong, including your My Prayers list. Your new prayer will be added to whichever group you select.

To add a prayer to a group:
1. Open the Add Prayer page. You can do this in any of three ways:
(a) Tap the Add button at the bottom of the page:

(b) Or, if you happen to be on a prayer list page, you may tap the Add New Prayer button at the bottom of the list. You can do this from any prayer list, regardless of the group to which you are adding the new prayer:

(c) Or, if you are on the Groups page, you can tap on the three-dot icon of any group:

This opens a menu page with buttons:

Tap the Add a Prayer button.
Note: These three buttons change slightly depending on whether you are the admin or a member of the group, but an Add a Prayer button always appears.
2. All three of these methods above bring you to the Add a Prayer page. Pay special attention to the dropdown menu at the top:

If you do not see a dropdown, then you are not the admin or a member of any group, and all new prayers you create will automatically be added to your personal My Prayers list. If you wish to add a prayer to a group, you must find and join a group first.
3. Select a group from the dropdown. Your new prayer will be added to whatever group that you select here.

4. Enter the text of the new prayer and tap Save to add it, or Cancel to exit this page without creating a prayer.