A filter lets you view all the prayers of the same status at one time.
When you enter Be Still, only your active prayers are displayed on your prayer list, and the heading says My Prayers:

You may filter this list by prayer status, which displays only prayers with the status that you specify.
To filter prayers on your My Prayers list:
1. Tap the filter icon in the top-left corner of your My Prayers list:

2. Be Still displays a filter selection popup window:

3. You may select only one of these filters at a time. Active displays all active prayers, Snoozed displays all snoozed prayers, and so forth. Following is used for group prayers that you have followed. You may ignore the Following button if you are not using group prayers.
The heading on the page will change to reflect the status you select in the filter. Note that active prayers have a heading of My Prayers, not Active.
If you change your mind and decide not to change the current filter, tap outside the popup window to close it.
If you select a filter for a status that has no prayers, then Be Still displays You do not have any prayers in that status. If you see this message unexpectedly, check your filter and verify that you are really displaying prayers with the status you wish to view.
Remember that all answered prayers are treated as a special type of archived prayers. Filtering by Archived will display all archived and answered prayers. Filtering by Answered will display only answered prayers.
You can also filter prayers in a group, but the available filters are slightly different.
To filter prayers in a group prayer list:
1. Tap the filter icon in the top-left corner of a group prayer list:

2. Be Still displays a filter selection popup window:

3. Select one of these values to filter the prayer list, or tap outside the popup window to close it without changing the filter currently in effect.
The Snoozed filter is omitted from filters for group prayer lists, because group prayers cannot be snoozed. The Following filter is likewise omitted because prayers that you follow appear only on your My Prayers list, not on a group prayer list.