Each prayer has a special “prayer options” page that allows you to perform many useful operations on that prayer.
To open the prayer options page for a prayer:
You may open this page in two ways:
1. Select a prayer from any prayer list and swipe right on that prayer:

An Options button will appear on the left side. Tap it to open the prayer options page.
2. If you are viewing a prayer on its detail page. you may tap the wrench icon in the upper-right corner to open the prayer options page:

The prayer options page is a menu of buttons. Tap any of the buttons to perform an operation on the prayer, or tap Back to return to the page you were previously viewing.
Prayers that you create on your My Prayers list have many options:

Note: These buttons will change depending on the status and type of the prayer. For example, the Archive button will appear as Unarchive for prayers that are already archived. The Edit and Snooze buttons will be grayed out for archived prayers. Many of the buttons will be disabled (grayed out) for followed prayers.