You may mark any prayer on your My Prayer list as a favorite. Be Still displays favorite prayers at the top of your prayer list regardless of the prayer creation date, which is normally used to set the order of prayers. Prayers marked as favorites appear with a heart icon on the prayer list: If you mark a prayer as …
Marking A Prayer As Answered
You may mark an active, snoozed, or archived prayer as answered. This moves the prayer into answered status. If you mark a prayer as answered and then change your mind, you can unmark it as answered. Prayers in answered status appear in the prayer list with a checkmark icon: Be Still treats all answered prayers as a type of archived …
Archiving A Prayer
Archiving a prayer will remove it from your active prayer list and will exclude it from the prayers shown during prayer time. However, archived prayers are not deleted. Their contents can still be seen, and they may be restored at any time to active status. Archiving is similar to snoozing, except that archived prayers do not wake up and return …
Snoozing A Prayer
Snoozing a prayer will temporarily remove it from your list of active prayers. If you snooze a prayer, you must give Be Still a snooze duration, typically some number of days, weeks, or months. At the end of the snooze duration, Be Still will automatically “wake up” your prayer, or restore your prayer to active status. The prayer will then …